So after a while, following many orgies of beer and hot-dogs, you notice a slight jiggle as you walk down the stairs. You notice the belly, wrapping nicely over the pant-lining as you check your facebook. And you notice that as years pass, the holiday pictures you have shows you gradually turning into a mushy orangutang, holding an umbrella-drink to chase that shame away. Worst of all, you notice your mother stop critisizing you for having low self-esteem and direction, and starts to poke your stomach when your eating, while asking " are you proud of this?"
Some time after this, you notice that every kind of exessive heat has lost any fun. Sweat has a lot of trouble escaping from the entire fatty groin area, leaving underwear worn at any season other than winter, as a wet matted rag of uncomfy cloth. Also, fat peoples assholes smell a lot worse, mostly due reason mentioned above, so a 2 times a day underwear change is a minimum.
But it doesnt stop there folks. Recently i ruined my 4th pair of jeans because i took a long stride down some stairs... You see, what happens is that as one gains weight in the thighs, the fabric right under the balls keeps rubbing, rubbing, and rubbing together, as I walk, losing more and more fabric for every inch of upright motion I can manage. Eventually the unevitable event ensues, usually when i'm drunk. I start falling down some stairs or anything comparable, then the akward landing, and so everyone can see my badly maintained underwear. In light of these terrible events, i'm now a khaki-guy, one step away from the classic sweater-vest, or green tweed.
In essence, getting fat blows, but strangely enough im still contemplating if its worth it getting back in shape. Probably not. Ill just eat less, im good at starving. CIAO
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